
Warburton P.E.T.E Pro- Gold Plated

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The P.E.T.E. PRO is an advanced-level isometric strengthening tool to be used by experienced altissimo players. It is important that users have well-developed embouchure strength and/or previous experience with the P.E.T.E. for Brass before using this model. Players who are required to regularly play in the extreme upper register, or those who have reached a plateau in their efforts with the original P.E.T.E. will find that the P.E.T.E. PRO provides them with the additional challenge they’re looking for. We have researched the effectiveness of this new developmental tool by sending it out to select professional players, and have received enthusiastic reports.

Item No: WBPETE-PROGP Brand:
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The P.E.T.E. PRO is an advanced-level isometric strengthening tool to be used by experienced altissimo players. It is important that users have well-developed embouchure strength and/or previous experience with the P.E.T.E. for Brass before using this model. Players who are required to regularly play in the extreme upper register, or those who have reached a plateau in their efforts with the original P.E.T.E. will find that the P.E.T.E. PRO provides them with the additional challenge they’re looking for. We have researched the effectiveness of this new developmental tool by sending it out to select professional players, and have received enthusiastic reports.

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